Monday, April 28, 2014


This month for Enrichment, we were lucky enough to have the pleasure of hearing about essential oils and herbs in the home. Mary is very skilled in this area and thrilled us all with the many uses of these natural products in our everyday lives. To go along with the topic of healthy living, we set up a granola parfait bar with Lela's delicious granola. (I make this recipe every week or so and we love it at our house) There is just something about fresh berries, yogurt, and a little bit of chocolate that makes everything seem so right. Coupled with good conversation, education, and food, this activity was another great night had by all.


  1. Um, can I come to your next enrichment night?? Haha. I am so interested to learn more about essential oils...

    1. Of course! :) It was really interesting! I had no idea you could do so many things with them!
