Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Playing Doctor

For the past hour my sweet husband has been giving me medical exams. You see, he has a midterm on Friday. He must perform a full body physical in 30 minutes. Easy? Think again. Derek being in medical school makes me so grateful for doctors in the world. He studies so hard. He goes on 2-3 hours of sleep before test days so he can be "fully prepared" for the exam. Over achiever? Perfect student? No and no. Just dedicated, hardworking, and determined.

3 big reasons why I love him.
Peak: Having a day off from school.
Pit: Waking up to a colony of zits form on your forehead.


  1. What to know something weird? I am just finishing up in my elementary education program and my husband is going to medical school! Crazy right? Does your husband know what he wants to specialize in? James is leaning towards orthopedic surgery... but that can always change!

  2. Your married..it's okay to play doctor- lol!
